
Maltese Mission Service Week

March 2 to March 8, 2024

The Clarkson College Values of Learning, Caring, Integrity, 卓越与承诺在每年的马耳他传教周服务中得到体现. Students, faculty, staff, 合作伙伴有机会进行有意义的外联活动,并致力于解决他人的需求. Mission Week begins with a Day of Caring on Saturday, March 2, 并继续每天为整个奥马哈社区提供服务机会. 

To learn about each daily opportunity, click on the tabs below.  You will find event information and an online registration link. Service events are open to students, faculty, staff, and partners, and participants may register for multiple activities. 完成前四个模块的学生可获得所有项目的IPE服务或社区学分.  那些不能参加奥马哈活动的人被鼓励在他们自己的社区找到有意义的志愿者工作.  

鼓励参加者在社交媒体上分享宣教周活动的帖子和照片. Remember to tag Clarkson College accounts and use the hashtag #ClarksonCollegeCares.

Questions should be directed to Rachel Holm (HolmRachel@ClarksonCollege.edu). Please do not contact the organizations.

March 2 – March 17, 2024

Vetter Senior Living

Donation Drive

When: March 2 – March 17
Partner: Vetter Senior Living

The Donation Drive extends past Mission Week. Don't miss out!

马耳他宣教服务周还包括为Vetter Senior Living捐赠活动, 一个致力于为老年人提供优质生活和优质护理的区域性实体. 多个机构的项目将把捐赠的物品用于已知对居民有益的治疗中, providing them a dignified intervention that eases anxiety, depression, and isolation, reduces falls, increases appetite, and decreases out-of-character responses.

Items such as watercolor paints and paper, large posters, acrylic paints, nail polish, puzzle books, and headphones can be easily purchased from this Amazon wish list for delivery direct to Clarkson College for distribution.

Saturday, March 2


Day of Caring

When: 1:00 - 3:00 PM (two locations) and 3:30 – 5:30 PM
Where: Mosaic Intermediate Care Facilities


Register Now.

Monday, March 4


Maintenance, Painting, and Cleaning of Community Outreach Areas

When: 9:00 AM – Noon
Partner: All Saints Episcopal Church


Register Now.

Tuesday, March 5

Shirts on hangers

Nearly New Shop

When: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Where: Nearly New Shop
Partner: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

The Nearly New Shop is a not-for-profit, resale and consignment shop benefits a number of local charities, distributes to several outreach programs, 并作为圣公会教堂的延伸满足各种社区需求. 志愿者将帮助组织捐赠物品,并协助春季大扫除活动,如粉刷.

Register Now.

Wednesday, March 6

Food Pantry

Food Pantry Organization and Preparation

When: 12:00 – 3:00 PM and 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Where: Juan Diego Center
Partner: Catholic Charities

胡安·迭戈中心为南奥马哈社区提供紧急和支持性食品服务, family strengthening, immigration legal services. 该中心也是拉丁PG电子APP中心和微型企业和资产开发培训的所在地. 早期的志愿者将帮助准备食品盒,之后的志愿者将在汽车食品储藏室期间提供帮助. 我们非常需要会说西班牙语和英语的人来协助食品储藏室的工作.

Register Now.

Thursday, March 7

Thursday Food Pantry

Food Pantry Distribution

When: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: Juan Diego Center
Partner: Catholic Charities

胡安·迭戈中心为南奥马哈社区提供紧急和支持性食品服务, family strengthening, immigration legal services. 该中心也是拉丁PG电子APP中心和微型企业和资产开发培训的所在地. 早期的志愿者将帮助准备食品盒,之后的志愿者将在汽车食品储藏室期间提供帮助. 我们非常需要会说西班牙语和英语的人来协助食品储藏室的工作.

Register Now.

Friday, March 8


Cleaning and Organizing Clothing Ministry Space

When: 9:00 AM – Noon
Partner: St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church


Register Now.

Defining Mission Work at Clarkson College

Reflecting a holistic view, PG电子APP的使命是把重点放在个人如何提供高质量, ethical and compassionate healthcare services in their communities. PG电子APP的传教经历被视为这些原则的直接反映.

Our Story

PG电子APP为学生提供高质量的专业培训, ethical and compassionate healthcare services for more than 135 years. Our devotion to excellence in education began in 1888, 当时主教克拉克森纪念医院接收了第一位护理专业的学生. 梅利奥拉克拉克森实现了她丈夫已故主教罗伯特. Clarkson, 并通过建立护士培训学校引导医院走向伟大, which became the first in the state of Nebraska. By the end of the 19th century, the institution earned a reputation for graduating skilled, professional nurses who distinguished themselves in their careers.

Now, over a century later, PG电子APP以毕业于护理专业的熟练医疗保健专业人员而闻名, radiography, medical imaging, physical therapist assistant, community health, healthcare business, psychology, and healthcare education and leadership. 服务继续发挥着重要的作用,因为PG电子APP的几代学生已经响应号召,一生都在帮助他人.

The Maltese Cross: Its Significance & History

The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection and a badge of honor. Its story originated with the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, 慈善组织存在于11世纪和12世纪的慈善组织. 他们被称为医院骑士团,因为他们对病人和穷人的慈善,建立了收容所和医院.

十字架上的八个点代表了登山宝训中规定的八福:“精神贫乏的人有福了。, the meek, the pure, the merciful, the peacemakers, they that mourn, they that seek righteousness, and they who are persecuted for righteousness sake.”

几个世纪前的骑士们以同情和勇气的誓言团结在一起. 正是由于这些原因,马耳他十字被选为PG电子APP的标志. 这是PG电子APP社区成员(学生)的视觉提醒, alumni, faculty, 和员工)服务的重要性,因为他们奉献自己的生命来帮助别人.

Maltese Cross