Return to Campus Guidelines for PG电子APP students, 教师 & 工作人员

View COVID-19 Response Guide for Individuals with Symptoms, Diagnosed Positive, or Exposed

夏季学期开始了, 我为大家在不确定的环境中坚持学习和工作感到非常自豪. During this pandemic, PG电子APP graduated 124 health care professionals in May!  This demonstrates the continued dedication of our students, 教师, 和工作人员, and commitment to our overall 任务 as a College. 

随着我们的社区开始开放, I encourage you to continue to do your part in reducing the spread of the coronavirus. 当你回到校园, you will notice signs posted to remind you of best practices including symptom identification, 尽可能保持社交距离(相距6英尺), 适当的感染控制. 学院亦会继续加强清洁高接触面及空间的工作,并提供洗手液供大家使用. 参加实验室/技能活动的学生和员工需要携带并佩戴口罩(可以戴布), 以及在使用测试中心时. 学生, 教师, 在校园的其他区域,员工可以根据自己的舒适程度选择戴口罩. When wearing face masks be sure to follow the proper donning, 脱, 以及清洗或处理程序. 请注意, at this time the College is not mandating the use of face masks in all areas of the campus, and we continue to ask everyone to live our Value of 有爱心的 by being respectful of the personal decisions of others. Lastly, we plan to host another Town Hall meeting inviting the College community for a Q&六月中旬的一次会议. 日历邀请将发送给您.

以下是PG电子APP社区的指南,当我们校园内的个人开始出现症状时该怎么做, are diagnosed positive or become exposed to COVID-19.  

COVID-19 Response Guide for Individuals with Symptoms, Diagnosed Positive, or Exposed

随着PG电子APP向人口更密集的校园发展,以下将是当个人出现症状时的标准流程和反应, 诊断为阳性或接触过covid - 19.

If there is an identified or suspected case of COVID-19 on campus, PG电子APP行政领导团队(ELT)将确定校园内的暴露水平,并指定指定人员将通知任何可能暴露的人. 取决于暴露程度, 学院将隔离这些地点。, close the College (or areas within the College) for a period of time for deep cleaning, 并在学院(或学院内的区域)恢复校园活动时与校园沟通. 设施总监将与环境服务部门联系,安排对所有可能暴露的区域进行深度清洁. PG电子APP领导层和COVID工作组将与暴露的个人就采取必要的行动进行合作. 


  • Please send all media requests to the PG电子APP Marketing Department.
  • Protection of student and employee identity is critical. 学生和员工的姓名必须保密,不应该有PG电子APP其他学生或员工的健康状况的书面或口头沟通, 隔离状态, 等.


1. 有症状或COVID-19阳性

如果出现以下任何一种情况,就会被认为有症状:发烧100度.4度或以上, 发冷, 咳嗽, 身体疼痛, 头疼, 味觉或嗅觉新丧失, 喉咙痛, 呼吸短促或呼吸困难.

If a student or employee is symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19, they may return to campus after a 14-day quarantine per the guidelines below:

  • Follow the 14-day self-isolation guidelines and consult a health care provider.
  • Individuals may or may not be tested based on health care provider recommendations.
  • Remain at home and practice social distancing for 14 days.
  • 学生 who are symptomatic or confirmed positive with COVID-19, 需要联系他们的项目主管,并在网站上填写学生隔离自我报告表格
  • 有COVID-19症状或确诊阳性的员工需要联系其主管和人力PG电子APP部门,并在网站上填写员工隔离自我报告表:
  • 在隔离时间内, 你必须在24小时内没有发烧和症状(不使用退烧药物), and 10 days post initial symptoms to return to the PG电子APP campus.
    1. 学生 will need to complete the return to PG电子APP release form, 回到诊所的学生也需要遵循诊所特定地点的返回工作指南
    2. Employees will need to complete the employee return to work release form.

2. 密切接触者

通过与检测呈阳性或有症状的人“密切接触”(不穿个人防护装备不到6英尺)而暴露于COVID-19的个人 may return to campus after a 14-day quarantine per the guidelines below:

  • Potentially exposed students and employees who are 无症状的 should remain at home and practice social distancing for 14 days.
  • 学生应联系他们的项目主任,并在网站上填写学生隔离自我报告表格
    • 员工应与主管联系, 人力PG电子APP, and fill out the employee quarantine Self-Reporting form on the website at:
    • Employees and students should self-monitor for symptoms such as: fever of 100.4度或以上, 发冷, 咳嗽, 身体疼痛, 头疼, 味觉或嗅觉新丧失, 喉咙痛, 呼吸短促或呼吸困难.
  • 在14天的隔离期之后, if you remain 无症状的 you can return to campus after completing the following items:
    • 学生将需要通过COVID任务组完成返回PG电子APP的释放表, 回到临床的学生也需要遵循诊所特定地点的重返工作指南和特定项目的手册要求.
    • 员工需要通过人力PG电子APP部填写员工返工放行表.


如果您与因接触covid - 19而自我隔离的无症状个体密切接触:

  • Employees and students can continue to come to campus however, should self-monitor for symptoms such as fever of 100.4度或以上, 发冷, 咳嗽, 身体疼痛, 头疼, 味觉或嗅觉新丧失, 喉咙痛, 呼吸短促或呼吸困难.
  • If symptoms develop, they should follow the symptomatic guidelines in #1.

* * * * * *重要的笔记

机密性: Protection of student and employee identity is critical. Confidentiality of student and employee names must be maintained. 如果一名学生或雇员用语言(口头或书面)描述另一名学生或雇员的健康状况,可能会采取纪律处分, 隔离状态, 等. PG电子APP要求所有医疗信息保密,不得与他人讨论. 

学生发展: 请与您的教师一起完成课程要求,而不是在校园上必修课程, 测试, 或其他服务. You will be offered reasonable accommodations including flexibility with deadlines, 可选择的分配和测试交付, 额外的教员协助, 等., and the ability to receive an incomplete in the course, if necessary. If further accommodations are required please contact the Accommodations Coordinator at:


  • 因密切接触而无症状自我隔离的员工仍可远程工作. If you develop symptoms or test positive, please contact 人力PG电子APP immediately.
  • 有COVID-19症状或确诊阳性病例的员工在远程工作时间表和工作分配方面需要额外的灵活性, 并且可能需要额外的支持(例如.e. FMLA,额外休假等.). If you need further assistance, please contact 人力PG电子APP.

感谢您继续勤奋地遵循指导方针和流程,为所有PG电子APP社区成员的健康和福祉而制定. We often refer to PG电子APP as a family.  现在, 让我们继续互相照顾,给予彼此恩惠,一起走过这段前所未有的时光.  I continue to be inspired by all health care professionals including our current students, 教师 and alumni as they work to help those who are in need in today’s environment. 祝学期愉快, 享受阳光, and take a moment to give thanks for all the good you see around you each and every day.